
Now you are the body of Christ and individual members of it.

1 Corinthians 12:27

Membership in a local church is an important and exciting part of being a Christian. Although church membership is often misunderstood, the Bible does speak to it.

First, membership is Biblical. 1 Corinthians 12:27 says “Now you are the body of Christ and individual MEMBERS of it.” As members together in the church, we constitute the body of Christ. Biblical membership means you are active and functioning in the local church. The body needs you and you need the body. Ephesians 5:29-30

Second, being a member of a church isn’t like being a member of other organizations. As Christians, we need to be a part of the local church where we are sharing life in mutual accountability under Biblical leadership. Being a part of the universal church without connecting fully to a local church is not healthy or Biblical.
As a local body, we want to help you not just be a spectator on the sidelines, but we want to join with you in carrying out God’s vision for you and CFC.

Please pick up a Membership Covenant and CFC's Doctrinal Statement to recommit your membership at CFC, or view the information on the links below and complete the online form. To watch a video from the February 5, 2023 weekend service that talks more about membership at CFC, watch the video below.

Please Read our Doctrinal Statement and fill out this Covenant to commit to Membership at CFC.

If you do not understand or agree with the Doctrinal Statement or the Membership Covenant, please do not complete this form. We welcome a discussion with you regarding your questions.

We are currently restructuring our membership class process. We'll announce more information in mid 2024. Please sign up for information on our next Membership Class HERE, and we will contact you once the new class schedule is established.